Services Trusted for Over 30 Years

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Auto Repair

Auto Repair & Maintenance Done Right

Residents of the Western NY Southtown area in Erie County (Hamburg, Springville, Eden) and Cattaraugus County (Perrysberg, Forestville, Little Valley) have the skill and know-how to drive in a variety of weather conditions and scenarios. At Auto Wrench Connection, we take care of the rest to help ensure that your car remains up-to-spec and performs well.

We’re a full-service shop in Gowanda, NY, providing high-quality services in auto repair and maintenance. Whether you need engine or transmission work, New York State Inspections, towing, or something else, we can help. Our auto technicians are fully certified and have extensive knowledge. We take the time to understand your specific needs to deliver thorough services in a timely fashion.

Call 716-532-3875 today and schedule an appointment!

Auto Services Completed



ABS & Brake Work

ABS & Brake Work

NYS Inspections

NYS Inspections

Tires & Wheel Alignments

Tires & Wheel Alignments

Computerized 4 Wheel Alignments

Engine & Transmission Work

Engine & Transmission Work

Oil Changes

Oil Changes

Engine & Transmission Work

Check Engine Lights

Oil Changes

Computerized Diagnostics

Other Services Offered

Free Estimates

2-Year, 24,000-Mile Warranties

NAPA Auto Care, Nationwide Warranties

AAA Auto Care Center Warranties

We Accept Dealer Extended Warranties

No-Appointment Oil Changes

Free 30-Point Courtesy Checks

Free Customer Shuttle for Home & Area

Clean Waiting Room & Bathroom

Need a Job Done? Receive a Free Estimate!

From Towing to Oil Changes: Our Services


When your car experiences a flat tire, runs out of gas, or encounters another issue, you shouldn’t have to make a plethora of different calls to get the vehicle moved into a shop for proper servicing. Auto Wrench Connection provides towing and roadside assistance to streamline the process, give you greater peace of mind, and have you back on the road happy and safe. Whether you have an emergency with your sedan or truck, our heavy-duty tow trucks can get you to the shop. Don’t stress. Give us a call at 716-532-3875.

ABS & Brake Work

Good breaks are essential for vehicle safety. At Auto Wrench Connection, we specialize in anti-lock brakes and brake-replacement services. No matter the make or model, come see us. Our auto technicians have the tools and experience to assist you when your brakes grind, squeal, prove jerky, and more.

NYS Inspections

Receive a New York State Inspection from the premier auto specialist in Gowanda, Dunkirk, and the Buffalo-Niagara Falls metro area. An official NYS Inspection station, we have the knowledge and experience to perform comprehensive services, such as safety and emissions testing, for cars, trucks, and SUVs. And most importantly, we maintain close attention to detail for you. Contact our team each year for an inspection sticker. Let us help.

Tires, Wheel Alignments, & Computerized 4 Wheel Alignments

Our goal is to ensure that you have safe, quality tires that are properly adjusted. Whether you own passenger tires or heavy truck tires, reach out to us for help. We offer new tires from leading brands at competitive prices. Turn to our team for computerized four-wheel alignments.

Engine & Transmission Work

In the Buffalo area and much of Upstate New York, winters can prove vicious. Among other parts of the vehicle already discussed, you need a properly running engine and transmission system to safely move through the ice and snow. There’s no need to coordinate with a variety of parties when it comes to your engine. Whether you own a domestic or foreign vehicle, we can handle engine repairs and rebuilds, transmission flushes, and more.

Oil Changes

Auto Wrench Connection recommends that the average vehicle owner receives an oil change every 5,000 miles or six months. The service allows your engine and vehicle to run smoother and for longer. Our certified auto technicians offer a wide variety of preventative maintenance services — notably oil and filter changes.

Schedule an Appointment or Learn More About Our Services

Contact Auto Wrench Connection

Whether you need parts installed or repaired, an NYS Inspection, or more, reach out to Auto Wrench Connection. Our certified and experienced auto technicians are dedicated to providing exceptional services because your satisfaction matters most to us. Get started today.
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Auto Wrench Connection

2 Mill Street
Gowanda, NY 14070

Business Hours

Monday — Friday:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Closed Temporarily


Get In Touch



Auto Wrench Connection BBB accredited business profile